Zend_Db, how to work with related tables?


New Member
I want to learn to work with related tables in the ZF to the end. (1) Can anyone help with this? there are 2 users table and *users_openid* with a link to many. I would like to implement a relationship between the tables at Zend_Db so that such users from taking it openid on Drugs findDependentRowset, add openid, openid to take the user through findParentRow ... The manual is a Russian HELP ... but not like I can not deal with it ....( http://framework.zend.com/manual/en/zend.db.table.relationships.html The structure of the database:\[code\]- - Table structure `users` - CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `users` ( `Id` int (11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `Nickname` varchar (200) NOT NULL, `Email` varchar (200) NOT NULL DEFAULT'', `Active` tinyint (1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0 ', `Enabled` tinyint (1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0 ', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE = InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET = utf8 AUTO_INCREMENT = 1; - ------------------------------------------------ -------- - - Table structure `users_openid` - CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `users_openid` ( `User_id` int (11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `Openid` varchar (200) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`user_id`), KEY `openid` (`openid`) ) ENGINE = InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET = utf8;\[/code\]PS another small podvoprosik (2), with which you are creating a connection to MySQL (ubuntu), the tools have phpmyadmin and mysql administrator, but there I have not found how to do it, but do not want to write sql (