Zend Navigation - Url config problem


New Member
I store my navigation content in a navigation.xml file in the configs folder of my project. Basically I have two modules, the default module that deals with e.g. authentication and basic page usage and the admin module to admininstrate the website.When I sign in as admin a special admin navigation appears according to my acl and navigation.xml, a navigation element looks like that:\[code\]<ticket> <label>Tickets</label> <resource>admin:ticket</resource> <module>admin</module> <controller>ticket</controller> <action>payticket</action> <privilege>ticket</privilege></ticket> \[/code\]But I have a big Problem with the URL's of my website when I am logged in as admin. I developed my admin module quite late so the url's of the default module look like that:\[code\]$this->url(array('controller' => 'index', 'action' => 'contact'))\[/code\]So I left out the 'module' => 'default' since I do not want the /default/ to appear in the browsers url bar. When I visit a admin site, e.g. mysite.de/admin/ticket, all url's on my page that normally would point to default module now point to admin module and I get a bad request when I visit them.\[code\]$this->url(array('controller' => 'index', 'action' => 'contact'))\[/code\]normally creates mysite.de/index/contact but on an admin page It becomes mysite.de/admin/index/contact.Do I have to adjust all links and add the module information or is there another solution?