zend debugger not recognize jquery post


New Member
When posting forms using jquery post, the ZendDebugger lost its track.For example, I have a file index.php wich submit button post to "formContent.php". something like: \[code\]//index.php $("#formMiData").submit(function(){ $.post("formContent.php", $("#formMiData").serialize(), function(data){ $("#salidaAjax").html(data); }); return false; });\[/code\]I add a breakpoint to the begining of index.php and formContent.php. The debugger stops at the breakpoint in index.php, but not at the breakpoint at formContent.php.Is this the way it works? o the debugger should find "formContent.php"?I spent a lot of time trying to make the debugger work, but maybe is not suppose to work in this case...