Zend Cache - problem with deleting cache files


New Member
I have an strange problem with Zend Cacke (File Backend) running on linux with apache and php 5.2The files are stored in /myspace/tmp1Directory has the persmission: \[code\]drwxrwxrwx 2 nobody nogroup 8192 2010-09-20 13:35 tmp1\[/code\]The created temp file has the following permissions:\[code\]-rw------- 1 nobody nogroup 317 2010-09-20 13:40 content---a51607ba255692370eae1155c7f45856\[/code\]If if i do:$cache->clean(); inside my script, than the method returns true, but the file is not removed (no error in php error log).On my local development machine running under win xp everything works fine. I think it is some kind of permission problem? The Apache is running as "nobody"Any suggestions are welcome!