I was looking for a decent name for a search engine and this is what I registered:
<!-- w --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.Serpent.ws">www.Serpent.ws</a><!-- w --> (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.smallmouthbass.biz/yahoometa/yahoometa5.php?q=largemouth+bass&sa=Serpent+Search">http://www.smallmouthbass.biz/yahoometa ... ent+Search</a><!-- m -->)
Why you ask????
It's a common name....serpent....and it's brandable
It's got the letters SERP "Search Engine Results Page"
The .ws goes nicely with "Web Search"
Thus: SERPent Web Search
I'm just using a Yahoo API script for now...still tweaking
<!-- w --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.Serpent.ws">www.Serpent.ws</a><!-- w --> (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.smallmouthbass.biz/yahoometa/yahoometa5.php?q=largemouth+bass&sa=Serpent+Search">http://www.smallmouthbass.biz/yahoometa ... ent+Search</a><!-- m -->)
Why you ask????
It's a common name....serpent....and it's brandable
It's got the letters SERP "Search Engine Results Page"
The .ws goes nicely with "Web Search"
Thus: SERPent Web Search
I'm just using a Yahoo API script for now...still tweaking