"Your request is being processed...." page


New Member
I am trying to accomplish the following. When a user clicks to submit a page (using an ASP:Button tag) processing can take up to 30 seconds. I can not change the time it takes to process because I am integrating with legacy COM components. I would like to display, in the same document, a "Please wait, your request is being processing" message. I tried using client side JavaScript with document.write() but when I do then the server side code for the ASP submit button never fires, which I think is because the original document has been modified via the document.write() method. Next I tried adding code to the server side click event, using Response.Write and Response.Flush to send the message to the client, before the long processing begins. But it appears that the .Flush method does 'NOT' send the HTML directly back to the client, it too waits until all of the processing is complete to render the page. FYI..I have tried to modify the both the Response.Buffer property of the ASP object and have insereted a @Page directive of Buffer="false" on the actual page. So here I am requesting help---here are some other stipulations of the code:<BR>--I can not use a "secondary page" to pass the data through, because I am using Property procedures to pass data and that would cause modifications to existing code<BR>--I have to use Server.Transfer and can not use document.location.href = http://aspmessageboard.com/archive/index.php/"xxx" on the client to redirect.<BR><BR>I would appreciate and help/ideas that you can give me. Thanks...You might want to check out this series of articles (4 total, I believe) regarding .NET and multithreading. With threads you could run your submission process in one and output your "Processing please wait" message in the other. This won't work if you have aspcompat=true in your page directive though, as that limits the app to a single thread. Anyway, here is the first of the articles, it explains when to and not to use them:<BR><BR>http://www.dotnetjunkies.com/tutorials.aspx?tutorialid=296<BR><BR>Hth, <BR><BR>])ry