yet another question


Staff member
Hello,<br />
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I was looking at my site with one of those small browsers and i noticed that everything stays in the creen with out making it scroll, it makes it look funny. I thought it was becouse i used percetages for width, but everyone siad I sould use them, so everything since its all set at 100% of the screen, gets all sucked togeather on small browsers. But when I go to all other websites that use percentages you still have to scroll to see everything, I would rather have it like that for smaller browsers becouse even though you have to scroll it looks better and you can read everything. and people with small browsers are used to horizantle scrolling anyway.<br />
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heres what i mean: <br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
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try reducing the screen to about where the small browsers would be it all gets sucked in and looks wierd but all other sites dont.<!--content-->I think we have discussed this before. Relative table sizes are better, and more professional, than static ones. However, there are times where you want to restrict how much a table can be "compressed". In a previous post I mentioned that you should add another row insert a 1x1 pixel transparent gif, and set it's cell to the "minimum" width setting.<br />
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Also, there is no requirement to set all the tables to relative sizes as some of them are small enough for te be fixed width, whatever the resolution. To see what I mean, visit my web page and resize the window. You can see both effects here.<br />
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1) The navbar (below logo) only allows a certain amount of "compression"<br />
2) The menu table on the left and the quick link table on the right never compress.<br />
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Hope this helps.<!--content-->In a previous post I mentioned that you should add another row insert a 1x1 pixel transparent gif, and set it's cell to the "minimum" width setting. <br />
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If only i knew how to do that :(<!--content-->what exactly is "those small browsers"?<br />
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I masde my browser really small and I got a scroll bar and it look just fine. but curious as to what a small browser is :D<!--content-->----------------------------------------------------------<br />
In a previous post I mentioned that you should add another row insert a 1x1 pixel transparent gif, and set it's cell to the "minimum" width setting. <br />
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If only i knew how to do that :(<br />
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grego, this is how you do that:<br />
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    open up a graphics program and create a 1 pixel by 1 pixel transparent gif. for example, in photoshop you would:<br />
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    1. open photoshop<br />
    2. choose file | new<br />
    3. set the width and height to 1 pixel each<br />
    4. set the contents to transparent<br />
    5. hit ok<br />
    6. choose file | save for web<br />
    7. hit ok<br />
    8. choose where you want to save the file and hit save<br />
    9. close photoshop<br />
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    now upload the file to your website. i assume you know how to do this.<br />
    add a row to your table<br />
    in that row, insert that image.<br />
    set the width of the image to the minimum width you want your table to be. in other words, if you don't want your table to ever get smaller than 200 pixels, use this code:<br />
    <img src="transparent.gif" width="200"><br />
    [/list=a]<br />
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    understand?<!--content-->thats neat<!--content-->Nicely explained Cessandra.<!--content-->thank you.<!--content-->I need a 1x1 pic too. Does it madder if it's Gif or JPG?<br />
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    Grego I hope you don't mind me using your post.<br />
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    Thanks in advance,<br />
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    J MSD<!--content-->not at all James We are all getting help here, thats what is important:rocker: }:-) =:O<!--content-->james-<br />
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    I'd use a gif. Here's one.<br />
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    -beth<!--content-->Did my attachment post? I am new to this Forum thing . . . and I don't have the finer points of attaching stuff and responding to specific bits of text etc quite down.<br />
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    Anyway, if it didn't post, Cessandra explained how to create one on your own beautifully.<br />
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    -b<!--content-->Here's a 1x1 transparent gif:<br />
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    Have fun!<!--content-->since someone asked, it needs to be a .gif file. iirc .jpgs cannot be transparent.<!--content-->