Yet another marshalling exception with JAXB and List<Something>


New Member
Here is my Request class which holds a generics request: \[code\]import java.util.ArrayList;import java.util.List;import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessType;import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessorType;import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAnyElement;import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlRootElement;/** * * @author lorddoskias */@XmlRootElement@XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.FIELD)public class Request { private List<StringStringMapEntry> parameters = new ArrayList<StringStringMapEntry>(); private List<StringStringMapEntry> headers = new ArrayList<StringStringMapEntry>(); @XmlAnyElement(lax=true) private Object requestBody = null; // this has to reference a JAXB-enabled object private String resourcePath; public Request() { } public Object getRequestBody() { return requestBody; } public void setRequestBody(Object requestBody) { this.requestBody = requestBody; }\[/code\]Some parts are omitted for brevity but the essence is there. Then I have the following Sequence class: \[code\]import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlRootElement;/** * * @author lorddoskias */@XmlRootElementpublic class Sequence { private String sequenceName; private long numReads; private int sequenceLength; public Sequence() { /* Required by JAXB */ } public Sequence(String name, long numReads, int length) { sequenceName = name; this.numReads = numReads; sequenceLength = length; } public long getNumReads() { return numReads; } public void setNumReads(long numReads) { this.numReads = numReads; } public int getSequenceLength() { return sequenceLength; } public void setSequenceLength(int sequenceLength) { this.sequenceLength = sequenceLength; } public String getSequenceName() { return sequenceName; } public void setSequenceName(String sequenceName) { this.sequenceName = sequenceName; }}\[/code\]And I do something like that: \[code\]List<Sequence> seq = new ArrayList<Sequence>(); seq.add(seq1); seq.add(seq2); client.insertIndividualStatistics(PostRequest.assemblyIndividualStats(66, seq));\[/code\]Here is the insertIndividualStatistics method: \[code\]public static Request assemblyIndividualStats(int stepId, List<Sequence> l) { Request req = new Request(); req.setResourcePath("/stats/assembly/individual"); req.addParameter("id", String.valueOf(stepId)); req.setRequestBody(l); return req;}\[/code\]And when I try to \[code\]WebResource res = client.resource(bla).path("my-path").post(req);\[/code\] I get : \[code\]Exception in thread "main" com.sun.jersey.api.client.ClientHandlerException: javax.xml.bind.MarshalException - with linked exception:[javax.xml.bind.JAXBException: class nor any of its super class is known to this context.]\[/code\]I thought JAXB supported simple Lists if they weren't a root object? I even tried something different - wrapping the list in a simple JAXB annotated class: \[code\]import java.util.List;import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlElement;import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlRootElement;/** * * @author lorddoskias */@XmlRootElementpublic class MySequenceListWrapper { @XmlElement(name = "List") private List<Sequence> list; public MySequenceListWrapper() {/*JAXB requires it */ } public MySequenceListWrapper(List<Sequence> list) { this.list = list; } public List<Sequence> getList() { return list; }}\[/code\]And setting that as the requestBody but then I get a similar exception but instead of it saying that ArrayList is unrecognized it says that MySequenceListWrapper is unrecognized. I've read the article from Blaise Doughan blog and I suspect that at least in the latter case it should work since I have the appropriate XmlAnyElement annotation?