Yahoo domain prices > $34.95 effective July 1!!


New Member
Yahoo domain renewals $34.95 effective July 1, 2008.Can you believe that? They've screwed up their crappy pathetic business model -- maybe it has something to do with crappy lazy-@ss, evil, malicious, thieving employees who are also wasting time, money and not delivering any related to actual service to customers -- so now they're going to screw their customers even more. i think i remember seeing a site called -- now i know why.Anyone have ideas about: Where can I sign up for the appropriate/best/cheapest domain reseller account so I can renew my own domains? or where to get best bulk pricing?what do you think would be the best way to go if someone has say 75-100+ domain names to renew (throughout the year, not all at once)?some of these domains are active, many are parked. I know that's small peanuts compared to some of your guys portfolios but that's what we've accumulated the past few years. i think i saw an article about doing some spring cleaning of domains -- so time for that, but also either a reseller or bulk domain deal.What about tucows? Does/has anyone used them as a reseller? Or others that are very recommended? It needs to be a total turnkey -- you know, one of those where I provide the domain/host, do all the marketing -- but they have every thing needed to set up the site, they'll do the billing, provide the interface etc. right? i am no tech programming god, i barely can do a php forward -- unlike some of you amazing people on these boards -- that is for sure. (related: if anyone wants to suggest what's the best parking program too?)Also, I'm willing to sign up thru affiliate links after researching/finding/seeing supporting evidence of the best ones both parking and reseller if that's acceptable.hope this is okay to ask about? fresh ideas/suggestions pointers on where to look are all welcome.thanks!