XSLTProcessor xmlSAX2Characters: out of memory


New Member
I have a page which load a 500 mb xml file and parses the file using an xsl template.The parser works perfectly in my local environment. I am using WAMP.On the web server. Warning: DOMDocument::load() [domdocument.load]: (null)xmlSAX2Characters: out of memory in /home/mydomain/public_html/xslt/largeFile.xml, line: 2031052 in /home/mydomain/public_html/xslt/parser_large.php on line 6My Code is as below, line 6 loads the xml file\[code\]<?php\[/code\]
\[code\]$xslDoc = new DOMDocument();\[/code\]
\[code\]$xslDoc->load("template.xslt");\[/code\] \[code\]$xmlDoc = new DOMDocument();\[/code\]
\[code\]$xmlDoc->load("largeFile.xml");\[/code\] \[code\]$proc = new XSLTProcessor();\[/code\]
\[code\]echo $proc->transformToXML($xmlDoc);\[/code\]
\[code\]?>\[/code\] I have tried copying the php.ini file from the wamp installation to the folder where the above code is located. But this has not helped. The memory limit in this php.ini file is memory_limit = 1000MAny advice / experience on this would be greatly appreciated