XSLT/XPATH functions problem


New Member
My problem is the following:

I've got a web application, where I am using JSP's containing XML that gets transformed into HTML by means of JSTL/XML functions.

I have developed a transformation (XSLT) with XMLSPY, that recognizes XSLT 2.0. Now, when I try to run it within a JSP page, I obtain errors of the following type:

javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: XSL-1000: (Fatal Error) Error while parsing XSL file (Function 'upper-case' not found.)

So I think the problem is that whatever the used XSLT processor is, it does not accept XSLT 2.0 functions (well, to be exact, functions belong to XPATH 2.0, that is associated to XSLT 2.0).

So my questions are:
1) Am I right? Is this just an XSLT/XPATH version problem?
2) How can I know which XSLT/XPATH version I am using? Put it another way: When you use the JSTL tag <x:transform.../>, how can you know which XSLT processor is going to be used? Is it configurable somehow? I am using JDeveloper with OC4J, but I find no information about these questions in the available docs.

Thanks in advance.