XSLT Transformations


New Member
I have a XML file of:\[code\]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><Batch BatchID="896" BatchName="20120629.130504"> <Document DocumentType="XML Question"> <Fields> <Field FieldName="Doc_ID">1</Field> <Field FieldName="Vendor_Code">126400</Field> <Field FieldName="Property_Code">10519</Field> <Field FieldName="Invoice_Num">20509</Field> </Fields><Files /> </Document></Batch>\[/code\]and I want to convert it to look something like below using an XSLT file:\[code\]<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?><ABCRelease> <ABC> <Doc_Id>1345</Doc_Id> <Vendor_Code>134500</Vendor_Code> <Property_Code>105559</Property_Code> <Invoice_Num>2034539</Invoice_Num> </ABC></ABCRelease>\[/code\]My first time playing with XML and I have spent many hours not getting to far today and done a lot of searching on the topic. Is anyone able to help me out and provide some sample code that would enable this?My problem has been in extracting the FieldName value and inserting it in the <> eg from:\[code\]<Field FieldName="Doc_ID">1</Field>\[/code\]to \[code\]<Doc_Id>1345</Doc_Id>\[/code\]Really would appreaciate your help.Steven