XSLT: how to return results from a key, in order specified


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I am trying to select elements based on a number in their "title" element and then return them in a specific order. I've grouped them using a key, but when I access they key and apply-templates to the nodes, they're not being returned in the order specified.sample code:\[code\]<test> <anElement> <title>001 title</title> </anElement> <anElement> <title>002 title</title> </anElement> <anElement> <title>003 title</title> </anElement> <anElement> <title>004 title</title> </anElement> <anElement> <title>005 title</title> </anElement> <anElement> <title>006 title</title> </anElement> <anElement> <title>007 title</title> </anElement> <anElement> <title>008 title</title> </anElement> <anElement> <title>009 title</title> </anElement> <anElement> <title>010 title</title> </anElement> </test>\[/code\]when transformed with:\[code\]<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform"version="2.0"><xsl:strip-space elements="*"/><xsl:output indent="yes"/><xsl:key name="keyNodes" match="//anElement" use="title/substring(., 1, 3)"/><xsl:template match="/"> <groupsOfNodes> <aGroup> <title>group one</title> <members> <xsl:apply-templates select="key('keyNodes', ('003', '002', '001'))"/> </members> </aGroup> <aGroup> <title>group one</title> <members> <xsl:apply-templates select="key('keyNodes', ('010', '009', '008'))"/> </members> </aGroup> </groupsOfNodes></xsl:template><xsl:template match="anElement"> <para><xsl:apply-templates/></para></xsl:template></xsl:stylesheet>\[/code\]gives this result:\[code\]<groupsOfNodes> <aGroup> <title>group one</title> <members> <para>001 title</para> <para>002 title</para> <para>003 title</para> </members> </aGroup> <aGroup> <title>group one</title> <members> <para>008 title</para> <para>009 title</para> <para>010 title</para> </members> </aGroup> </groupsOfNodes>\[/code\]Here's an example of the desired result:\[code\] <members> <para>003 title</para> <para>002 title</para> <para>001 title</para> </members>\[/code\]Is there any way to specify the order they're processed, or do I have to use separate "apply-template" rules for each node in the key?