XSLT document($variable) loading file from different server


New Member
I have a very strange problem going on with an XML document() call.My code is very simple, but the results are very odd. I created a series of variables to describe the path to a particular file. Then I used document($varname) to bring in the file. It works, but brings in the file from one of our subdomains instead of the one I want.Here's the code:\[code\]<xsl:variable name="serverSecure" >https://www.mywebsite.com</xsl:variable><xsl:variable name="dirCorrected"><xsl:value-of select="normalize-space(translate($dir, '\', '/'))" /></xsl:variable><xsl:variable name="form" ><xsl:value-of select="$serverSecure" /><xsl:value-of select="$dirCorrected" />html/<xsl:value-of select="/page/@name" />.html</xsl:variable>\[/code\]When the page loads, it doesn't bring up the file located at https://www.mywebsite.com/somedir/form/html/, it shows the page from https://wwwtest.mywebsite.com/somedir/form/html/.This server was operating as a test server before we switched it to live, but we changed the configuration everywhere. I can't find anything that would point it to the test domain anymore.Any and all help is greatly appreciated!EDIT:I was told that I did not have a document() function in the original post, sorry about that. It is called later in the XSL:\[code\]<xsl:copy-of select="document($form)"/>\[/code\]To test it, I called the value-of for the $form variable:\[code\]<xsl:value-of select="$form" />\[/code\]The output is what I expect, it shows the path that correctly leads to the www server. But the HTML file actually displayed is the one from the wwwtest subdomain server.