XSLT and JavaScript for Table


Staff member
I have an XSL file which creates a HTML table from the attributes and text of a series of <resource> XML tags.

The data in the table is the values of the attributes on the <resource> tag and also the text between <resource> and </resource>.

What I need to do is use a JavaScript function (which I can successfully get into the HTML <head>) to process the text found between <resource> and </resource> before the HTML is displayed.

Is this possible? If so, can someone please give me some clues as to how to do this as I just can't work it out.

Sorry if this is a silly question, but I'm new to both XSL and JavaScript, so currently on a very steep learning curve.

[I need to use JavaScript as I need to add HTML tags to the text, without escaping the '<' and '>' characters, so can't do it in XSLT]

If more information or detail is needed please let me know.