XSL Question...


Staff member
This might be a little hard to understand, it is an odd question, and I don'tknow exactly how to explain it. I have an xml file (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www9.ewebcity.com/TheScav/list.xml">http://www9.ewebcity.com/TheScav/list.xml</a><!-- m -->)that serves as a "database" for an mp3 listing. I also have an xsl file (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www9.ewebcity.com/TheScav/list.xsl">http://www9.ewebcity.com/TheScav/list.xsl</a><!-- m -->)that shows the records in a table on browse.asp (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www9.ewebcity.com/TheScav/browse.asp?list=all">http://www9.ewebcity.com/TheScav/browse.asp?list=all</a><!-- m -->).What I need to to is use browse.asp?list=a to display all the songs in list.xmlthat start with an "a", and use list=b to display songs with a "b", etc.But instead of using a seperate xsl file for each letter (I am using xmlto avoid creating and editing multiple files), I want to pass some informationto list.xsl, so it can determine what records to search for and return. Iwould just have a xsl stylesheet built in to browse.asp which would makethis alot easier, but then it would only be available to a very limited ammountof viewers, since using asp the files are converted on the server. If I putthe xsl:stylesheet into an asp using Response.Write, will the xsl still beconverted on the server, or will it be sent to the browser, then converted?Or is there a way to pass a variable (my server doesn't support global.asa)to an xsl file? If not, do can you think of any other ways to accomplishthis? If you think you might have a solution or need to know more information,please e-mail me at <!-- e --><a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a><!-- e -->. Thank you