XSL on client side - TransformNode returning XSL


New Member
I am trying to perform XSL transformation of an XML Data island in IE5.5 usingjavascript (also tried VBScript). The transformation works using server-sideprocessing (ASP), or using xt.exe.I am essentially doing the following:<XML id="RFStyle" src=http://forums.devx.com/archive/index.php/"RFMenu.xsl"></XML><XML id="RFMenu" src="RFMenu.xml"></XML>document.write RFMenu.transformNode(RFStyle.XMLDocument)The XML and XSL is loaded properly and I can dump the DOM contents to thebrowser. When I call the transformNode method above, a duplicate of theXSL file is returned, not a transformed HTML file. If I try removing theXMLDocument property (just calling RFMenu.transformNode(RFStyle)), I getthe error: Cannot mix different threading models in document.Nowhere am I specifying the threading model. Every example I see on theInternet works just like the above code, why won't mine? Any thoughts?Thank you