xsl:include problem


New Member
Hi everyone,Here's a problem that I can't figure out how to solve it:If I have additional templates inside my XSL file, I can easily call themby using <xsl:apply-templates/>(example: template(1)<HTML><BODY><xsl:apply-templates/> <!--here I call template(2)-->...where apply-templates calls another template(2)<xsl:template match="DATA"><SPAN>Some data</SPAN>...And everything works fine.But if I take this template(2) to external file (just cut&paste) and tryto use<xsl:include href=http://forums.devx.com/archive/index.php/"additional.xsl"/>, it just doesn't see it . I don't getany error or warning. (even more, Microsoft's example under xsl:include doesn'twork!!)Maybe it is service pack that fixes that or?....I have msxml3 parser, IE5.5SP1If anyone knows the answer or have working example, I would appreciate it.Drazen