xsl:if vs. xsl: choose


Staff member
I have inherited some malformed XML. An element contains a pair of attributesthat combine to define the state of the element. For example:<someelement foo="TRUE" bar="NO">I need to create an HTML UI from this XML and I'm trying hard to do it allusine XSLT. I'd like to use HTML radio buttons to show the user the currentstate (i.e., if foo = "FALSE", the first radio button is selected; if foo= "TRUE" and bar = "YES", the second radio button is selected, etc).I've looked at xsl:if but I don't think it'll work as I need to evaluate(2) expressions in the test...the values of both foo and bar together. I'vealso looked at xsl:choose but xsl: when seems to only handle a single expression.Anybody have any good ideas?