XSL formatting problem


New Member
I have a niggly problem that I desperately need to overcome! it involves an XML file that is formatted by an XSL stylesheet. I've uploaded a sample page here (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.erimus.com/temp/xml/003_page_sample.xml">http://www.erimus.com/temp/xml/003_page_sample.xml</a><!-- m -->). For the sake of convenience, I've added a stylesheet link into the XML file itself, so it should be viewable with a standard IE 6 browser.

The XSL stylesheet (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.erimus.com/temp/xml/content.xsl">http://www.erimus.com/temp/xml/content.xsl</a><!-- m -->) used is in the same folder, which in turn references a 'common' or shared stylesheet (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.erimus.com/temp/xml/shared.xsl">http://www.erimus.com/temp/xml/shared.xsl</a><!-- m -->) which is used for formatting the more basic elements such as the different types of link.

The final link is to the resulting box table (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.erimus.com/temp/xml/related-items.html">http://www.erimus.com/temp/xml/related-items.html</a><!-- m -->) (a small section of the final page) after it has been formatted by a CSS stylesheet. I need to be able to include links within the listed items in this 'boxed' table, but I can't get my head around the XSL formatting.

Any help or advice would be most appreciated!
