XSL-FO, XSLT and Xlink Questions...


Staff member
Been trying to learn XML on and off for a few years but i never really got the chance to sit down and do it. Finally did today and everything was going very smoothly. That is until XSL-FO. Can someone tell me EXACTLY what this is? i was looking at the w3schools.com site and it doesn't tell you how to implement it. I tried to do it myself by putting the code into the xml file and then tried in an xsl stylesheet. At least in the latter the text was showing up, there was just no formatting at all. I'm guessing i just don't understand the basic concept of XSL-FO and have tried looking everywhere to clear my mistake. How would i go about actually implementing XSL-FO in an XML application?

Another question is about XSLT and Xlink. I managed to solve my problem in a very primative way by doing <a><xsl:attribute name="href"... or something like that but i was wondering how exactly XSLT and Xlink combine?

I remember when i first started learning XML, I was turned off by XSLT because it merely seemed to be a cheap way out by converting XML into HTML and then displaying that HTML. I know a little better now but i'm still wanting to do things in "pure XML". I'm guessing, if i ever figure out how to use it, XSL-FO will satisfy that. I want to be able to make tables and hyperlinks using Xlink and XSL-FO without XSLT.

Please bear with me; XML is quite different than what i expected. I think i understand it (until XSL-FO) but i've probably got a huge misconception that is mudding the entire process. Thanks for any help.