XSL and Textboxes


New Member
I'm building an ASP page that is using XSL to transform an XML stream.I've set up a very simple test that is just a user id and password. AllI want to do is get the user's current user id and password and display themin two textboxes. Then I want to modify one or both and them and hit anupdate button. Then the new values will stay and the database will be updated.All I really need to know is how to control the displaying of data in thetextboxes via XSL. I can not get XSL to generate the Textboxes and put inthe values when the page is loaded.It seems that the XSL samples I've seen and all the pages I've created arejust displaying data. What about input? Is XSL not able to handle thisor am I just not reading the right books?Thanks for any information...Greg