XSL and JavaScript


New Member

I am working on a small project,(kind of online library), but I stack in the middle, I have a little problem with XSL, so I have a XML, DTD and XSL.
I'd like to build a query, like there is a search form , when a user write a title name in the text box, the xsl process it, I mean in the if statement:
<xsl:if test="title=$titleText">
My main problem is, how to pass a variable to xsl, if I got the textbox value from a form and using JavaScript to store in a variable, and how on earth could I put that javascript variable to the xsl.

Please help me, I think this xml is the best, if somebody knows it perfectly, I just started using it, and I haven't found any good book about it, could anyone suggest me any book or softprints.

Thanks anything
