XSL analyze string alternative for XSL 1.0


New Member
Is there a way to perform the analyze string operation in XSL 1.0For example in XSL 2.0 we can have:\[code\] <xsl:analyze-string select="Description" regex="$param1"> <xsl:matching-substring> <span style="background-color: papayawhip;"><xsl:value-of select="."/></span> </xsl:matching-substring> <xsl:non-matching-substring> <xsl:value-of select="."/> </xsl:non-matching-substring> </xsl:analyze-string>\[/code\]So this will look for param1 in the Description node and replace it with a \[code\]<span>\[/code\]. Is it possible to do something like this with XSL 1.0?