XPath's selected byte position


Staff member
I have an XPath expression and an XML source file.I have MSXML3.0 processor and VC++.Is there a way to use the processor so that when Iprovide the processor the XPath and the XML source itwould return me the starting and ending position of thestream chunck that the XPath "points to" in the XML file.I wanted this so that I can write a XPath evaluator thatwill highlight the selected part of text. This will aidin writing complex XPath expressions.I searched the web for such a tool. The one I found atvbxml works as long as I have all the tags of the form<tag>text</tag>; but if I have <tag/> it fails. Also ithad some wierd bugs, I could not type "t" in the edit boxes.I had to keep it in the clip board and copy it.Thanks,Arun