Xpath substring-before gets only one element


New Member
\[code\]<row transactionDateTime="2012-06-04 02:42:44" transactionID="2519826732" quantity="5000" typeName="Caldari Navy Mjolnir Rocket" typeID="27321" price="988.72" clientID="92026367" clientName="N Clover" stationID="60003760" stationName="Jita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant" transactionType="buy" transactionFor="personal" journalTransactionID="5956192510"/>\[/code\]Hello,Above is a sample of the XML file I am trying to extract data from. The piece of data I want to extract is;\[code\]transactionDateTime="2012-06-04"\[/code\]Now - I am having no problems getting this with the following Xpath query; \[code\]substring-before(//row[@transactionfor='personal']/attribute::transactiondatetime, ' ')\[/code\]This gets me exactly what I want - "2012-06-04", but it only gets me one element! If I drop the substring-before it will get me all elements, but include the time.Any help would be great!