New Member
I'm making different selection on this XML, but for most of them i'm not sure that i done the simplest solution, and for 2 of them i'm not able to provide a working solution.\[code\]<?xml version="1.0" ?><!DOCTYPE list[<!ELEMENT list(man|woman)*><!ELEMENT man(sons,daughters)><!ATTLIST man name CDATA #REQUIRED><!ELEMENT man(sons,daughters)><!ATTLIST woman name CDATA #REQUIRED><!ELEMENT sons(man)*><!ELEMENT daughters(woman)*><list> <man name="Jean-Bernard"> <sons> <man name="Marc-Antoine"/> </sons> <daughters> <woman name="Marie-Jeanne"> <sons/> <daughters> <woman name="Anne-Sophie"/> </daughters> </woman> <woman name="Rose-Marie"> <daughters> <woman name="Marie-C