Xpath nokogiri returning empty array [] whereas I am expecting to have results


New Member
I am trying to parse XML files using Nokogiri, Ruby and XPath. I usually don't encounter any problem but with the following I can't make any xpath request:\[code\]doc = Nokogiri::HTML(open("myfile.xml"))doc.("//Meta").count # result ==> 0doc.xpath("//Meta") # result ==> []doc.xpath(.).count# result => 1\[/code\]Here is an simplified version of my XML File\[code\]<Answer xmlns="test:com.test.search" context="hf%3D10%26target%3Dst0" last="0" estimated="false" nmatches="1" nslices="0" nhits="1" start="0"> <time> ... </time> <promoted> ... </promoted> <hits> <Hit url="http://www.test.com/" source="test" collapsed="false" preferred="false" score="1254772" sort="0" mask="272" contentFp="4294967295" did="1287" slice="1"> <groups> ... </groups> <metas> <Meta name="enligne"> <MetaString name="value"> </MetaString> </Meta> <Meta name="language"> <MetaString name="value"> fr </MetaString> </Meta> <Meta name="text"> <MetaText name="value"> <TextSeg highlighted="false" highlightClass="0"> La </TextSeg> </MetaText> </Meta> </metas> </Hit> </hits> <keywords> ... </keywords> <groups> ... </groups>\[/code\]How can I get all children with tag \[code\]Hit\[/code\] from this xml ?