XPath for attributes with single and double quotes


Staff member
In my XML document, some node attributes data contains both single quote and double quote characters, such as

<input msg="Hello "World", What's up"/>.

The double quotes are in form of escape sequence in the XML document.
I am not able to locate such elements using an XPath expression. I tried the following:

//*[@msg="Hello "World", What's up"]
Fails with string error at double quote before World

//*[@msg='Hello "World", What's up']
Fails with string error at single quote after What

//*[@msg="Hello "World", What's up"]
I used the escpase sequence for double quote in my xpath which you are seeing as acutal double quote in this post.
No Error but does not return any node.

//*[@msg="Hello "World", What's up"]
I used the escpase sequence for both double quotes and single quotes in my xpath which you are seeing as acutal double quote and single quotesin this post
No Error but does not return any node

I tried both MSXML 3.0 and MSXML 4.
Any Ideas??