
New Member
ive got ejabberd as my xmpp server and here is my php code:\[code\]$stripped = strip_tags($returnTwo); // remove the xml tags from the response stanza$decoded = base64_decode($stripped); // decode the jibberish$regex = "([0-9]{8,})"; // create regex to extract the noncepreg_match($regex, $decoded, $noncearr); // extracts nonce$nonce = $noncearr[0]; // finally, we can put the nonce into a variable to continue...// 1. Create a string of the form "username:realm:password". Call this string X.$x = "username:server.dyndns.org:password";// 2. Compute the 16 octet MD5 hash of X. Call the result Y.$y = md5($x);// 3. Create a string of the form "Y:nonce:cnonce:authzid". Call this string A1.$a = "$y:$nonce:$cnonce:[email protected]/webchat";// 4. Create a string of the form "AUTHENTICATE:digest-uri". Call this string A2.$a2 = "AUTHENTICATE:xmpp/server.dyndns.org";// 5. Compute the 32 hex digit MD5 hash of A1. Call the result HA1.$ha1 = md5($a1);// 6. Compute the 32 hex digit MD5 hash of A2. Call the result HA2.$ha2 = md5($a2);// 7. Create a string of the form "HA1:nonce:nc:cnonce:qop:HA2". Call this string KD.$kd = "$ha1:$nonce:00000001:$cnonce:auth:$ha2";// 8. Compute the 32 hex digit MD5 hash of KD. Call the result Z.$z = md5($kd);$b64z = base64_encode($z);$respond = "<response xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl'>$b64z</response>";// initialize curl again$sendThree = curl_init("http://localhost:5280/http-bind");curl_setopt($sendThree, CURLOPT_POST, 1);curl_setopt($sendThree, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $respond);$returnThree = curl_exec($sendThree);curl_close($sendThree); // close the curl connection\[/code\]my problem is that the server returns a "1". thats it , no acceptance, no error, just a number 1. the steps before this all returned what was expected, but this part im having trouble with. im new to php (this will only be my second page created with it) so im wondering if i followed the SASL steps correctly or if it is a problem with ejabberd?