I am using itext 5.3 in java to generate PDF. I was using HTMLWorker.parseToList(Reader, StyleSheet) to convert part to String which contains HTML tags like Bold, Italic, href etc to PDF. I don't want to generate complete HTML to PDF instead a part of text in PDF will be HTML. For example, strings like "This is test bold text" to convert part of text to be bold. \[code\]The performance is good with HTMLWorker.Since its deprecated now, I started using XMLWorkerHelper.parseXHtml(ElementHandler, Reader) and I found the performance is very bad compared to HTMLWorker.If anyone has any idea about the solution or any other workaround, please let me know.Below is the sample code and other posting with sample code is at http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15354005/html-to-list-using-xmlworkerpublic class HTMLElementHandler implements ElementHandler { private Phrase phrase; private Font font; private HTMLElementHandler(Phrase phrase, Font font) { super(); setPhrase(phrase); setFont(font); } @Override public void add(Writable writable) { if (writable instanceof WritableElement) { List<Element> elements = ((WritableElement) writable).elements(); for (Element elem : elements) { List<Chunk> chunks = elem.getChunks(); for (Chunk chunk : chunks) { Font chunkFont = chunk.getFont(); //Do something with fonts here } phrase.setFont(font); phrase.add(elem); } } } public Phrase getPhrase() { return this.phrase; } public void setPhrase(Phrase phrase) { this.phrase = phrase; } public Font getFont() { return this.font; } public void setFont(Font font) { this.font = font; }\[/code\]}AnotherJavafile.java\[code\]Phrase ph = new Phrase();Font font = FontFactory.getFont(FontFactory.getFont("Arial").getFamilyname(), 12, new BaseColor(0, 102, 153));XMLWorkerHelper.getInstance().parseXHtml(new HTMLElementHandler(phrase, font), "This is test <bold> bold </bold> text");\[/code\]