xmlns:v and the validator


Staff member
Hi everyone,

After a lot of searching on te net I have found this forum that talks alot about xml. So I hope you have a answer on my question. I dutch forum didn't know so I hope you do. I have build a website for myself royenruthmahler.nl (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.royenruthmahler.nl">http://www.royenruthmahler.nl</a><!-- m -->) . In it I have a new compenent called Google Maps. Check the button Baarn. Now I want to validate my document but I get this (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.royenruthmahler.nl/validator.html">http://www.royenruthmahler.nl/validator.html</a><!-- m -->) report that says on lin 1 that there is no attribute "xmlns:v" and in my css style checker it says Parse Error - v\:* { behavior:url(#default#VML); } while you need this to show the googlemaps. How do I get this valid? I hope that there is someone who knows how to deal with it.

