XMLHTTP problems...help?


Staff member
I am having trouble passing a XML document from the client (javascript) tothe server (ASP). The ASP processes the XML and then displays some moreinformation. I am not trying to get the XML back to the original javascript.It is quite strange. I am doing this on a server on our local intranet.I run the application with no problems, logged in from any machine here.Other people try running the same application and get this error "XML documentmust have a top level element." Obviously the ASP isn't getting the XMLdocument. Sounds like a permissions problem right? Well, we've got anonymousaccess turned on and these other users have no trouble accessing the otherASPs in that directory. I am not the owner of the files either since theywere built on that server through our installation process.Here is how I send the XML doc:var xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");xmlhttp.Open("POST", vActionForm, false);xmlhttp.send (ServiceActionXML);if (vTNWFlg==1){open(vActionForm);}else{open(vActionForm,window.name);}-------ServiceActionXML has data in it and it always works when I am logged in.Here is how I am trying to get the data from the next ASP:set vActionDoc = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")vActionDoc.async = falseResponse.Expires = -1000vActionDoc.load Requestif ((vActionDoc.readyState = 4) AND(vActionDoc.parseError.errorCode = 0))thenResponse.Write("Doc is good")elseResponse.Write("Error: " + vActionDoc.parseError.reason)end if--------I get the nice "Doc is good" message while others get the error message.Anyone have any ideas on what might be causing this? The different useraccounts have the same access rights to the server.Thanks for any help you can give me,Greg McDonald