
New Member
I am getting error messages trying to use the XMLAndSQL (April 2001, page66 - 69) sample application. I haveextracted the files to C:\Temp\XMLAndSQL. Using PWS, I created an alias tothis locationcalled "XMLAndSQL". I then modified the Global.asa file to read:Application("XMLAndSQL") = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\TEMP\XMLAndSQL\XMLAndSQL.mdb"Checking the ODBC data sources, the version of the Access driver is "4.00.3711.08".WhenI run the app using the file location "http://simon/XMLAndSQL/contacts.asp",I get the following error:Unable to open a connection. Check the value of the Application variablenamed 'XMLAndSQL' defined in the global.asa file.Error number: -2147467259Error description: Unspecified errorIf I change the application variable to:Application("XMLAndSQL") = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=c:\inetpub\wwwroot\xmlandsql\XMLAndSQL.mdb"I get the exact same error. Can anyone see or know of the problem? I knowthe answer is very easy, but I can't seem tofind it. I have tried converting to the SQL version but I got about a hundrederror messages doing that. Can anyone help?Normally I would use the following to connect to the db:Set Con = Server.CreateObject( "ADODB.Connection" )Con.Open "XMLAndSQL"ThanksSimon