XML with other languages dificulties!!


New Member

I have a site that I want to put a columm of news in XML and I want to do an administration without a DB, manipulating a XML file or a normal file with the data for update the news. The server site have Perl 5.8.7 and PHP 4.4.2. In frontend I tried many solutions but not all are suported by browsers like XML data island. I tried XML DOM but it can show all the data; XML+XSL in an iframe... it works but for show all the news stays ugly and not very functionable. So I tried (finally) a server language PHP but for showing data doesn't works ver well (I Think???) but It can be good for the administration for manipulate files...but have I advantages in use SimpleXML, XMLWriter, XMLreader in this case??? if I have I have to go to Perl because the version of PHP doesn't support very well this type of functions...I'm confused:confused: want I should do??? Can You help to go to the right direccion???