XML with HTML table to parse with C#


New Member
I'm following an RSS feed, which returns an XML. Inside the XML are HTML tables, returned as one long string. I'm trying to access the elements of this HTML table with C#, so that I may use each of these elements as variables for another program. An example of a table:\[code\]<table cellpadding="5"><tr><td><strong>Date (GMT)</strong></td><td><strong>Event</strong></td><td><strong>Cons.</strong></td><td><strong>Actual</strong></td><td><strong>Previous</strong></td></tr><tr><td>Jun 7 11:00</td><td>Announcement</td><td>6.250 %</td><td>6.310 %</td><td>6.560 %</td></tr></table>\[/code\]Just about every similar thread on here has suggested HtmlAgilityPack, which I'm trying to use. So far, I've been able to pull out the HTML table and declare it as a string variable, but I can't seem to be able to pull out the table elements. The following is my hack, based on several users' suggestions:\[code\]XmlDocument xDoc = new XmlDocument();xDoc.Load("http://rssfeed.com");string descr = xDoc.SelectSingleNode("rss/channel/item/description").InnerText;HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument doc = new HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument();doc.LoadHtml("descr");// A Print statement here (textBox1.Text = descr;) shows that I'm successfully accessing the HTML tablevar table = doc.DocumentNode.Descendants("tr").Select(n => n.Elements("td").Select(o => o.InnerText).ToArray());foreach (var tr in table){textBox1.Text = String.Format("{0} {1} {2}", tr[0], tr[1], tr[2]);}\[/code\]Any and all suggestions are extremely welcome.Thanks,D