XML Web services


New Member
Hey guys,

Ok heres the deal I am new to trying to learn how to use XML for web services. I am actually using .NET (per the client not per me). The deal is I'm trying to make an API that will be easily portable to Java. For that reason, I am trying to construct it using XML and SOAP, however, I am having trouble with the requests. When I initiate the SOAp request via an XML file entitled test.xml..
<?XML version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
<ToCelsius xmlns="http://tempuri.org">

The code for the web server is a simple logorithym converting the degrees Far to degrees cel so no confusing stuff on that end. When I try to run it in internet explorer it seems to give some error about security and won't give me the XML response I believe it may be a problem on the IIS end cause I get the an error message in FF as well only it says "This XML file does not seem to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below" and it starts with <soap: envelope> and goes from there on. I might be totally off base on how soap works but I need some insight so PPPPLLLEEEAAASEEE HELP! :-) thanks again everyone.
