XML vs db question


New Member
I have a gaming website (<!-- w --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.chaosmarch.com">www.chaosmarch.com</a><!-- w -->). It's built around Cold Fusion MX and a Access 2000 db. The bulk of the db data is referenced in the technical readout (tro) section.

Anyway, the site uses a lot of sql queries for the tro section. It works fine as-is, but I've been reading a lot lately about XML/XSLT. My question is: Since the tro lists are fairly static, would it be easier to generate a number of xml files (using the existing queries) and then build a xslt template to display the data?

My site generates a lot of hits to the tro's every day. If people are constantly hitting the xml/xslt files, how would this affect server performance?

Any ideas/comments welcomed.
