XML vs Database


New Member

For starters, I'm new to XML. I've been asked to work on a Content Management System. I've done some research on the internet and discovered that some people use XML and while others use databases for data storage.

I understand everything about structure, DTD's, schemas, etc. I've seen lots of documentation in these areas.

There is one feature with which I'm confused.

In the database world, you can have a customer table. If you want to add a customer, you basically run an INSERT INTO query. The database is updated/appended with the new customer.

In XML, I cannot find any documentation discussing the ability to update and existing XML file. Is it possible to have a customer.xml file and be able to add new customers to this file? All I've managed to discover is that there is a seperate XML file for each customer.

Let's say you have 10 customers. With a database, you have one table consisting of 10 records. With XML, my understanding is that you 10 XML files, one for each customer. Is this true?

What is the advantage of using XML rather than a database?

Thank you in advance for your input.