XML to CSV : a native way to create flat files?


New Member
There is a lot of questions about XML to CSV conversion but mine is quite precise so I ask it here. I threat inventories and get XML files like :\[code\]<item> <sku>abc</sku> <title>un livre</title> <price>42</price> <attributes> <attribute> <name>Nombre de pages</name> <value>123</value> </attribute> <attribute> <name>Auteur</name> <value>bob la mouche</value> </attribute> </attributes> <contributors> <contributor>toto</contributor> <contributor>titi</contributor> <contributor>tata</contributor> </contributors></item>\[/code\]I need to convert it to a 2D format. I would like to use a quite known format like array/object disposition, columns would look like :\[code\]skutitlepriceattributes.attribute[0].nameattributes.attribute[0].valueattributes.attribute[1].nameattributes.attribute[1].valuecontributors.contributor[0]contributors.contributor[1]contributors.contributor[2]\[/code\]If there is no direct answer, do not code it for me, I know how to make it and will be pleased to share it to you. But that's just to know if there is a direct way (such as using very exotic XML methods existing somewhere on a xml parsing lib).Thanks