XML Stock feed in Oscommerce


Staff member
Hi All,

I am looking to implement a live stock feed from my supplier into my Oscommerce store. Iam really new to coding and am eager to learn but this really goes way over my head.

Basically the only information i need to take from the feed is the product code and whether it is in stock or not in stock, then allow the feed to amend this in my database?

Is this actually possible? How would i start to implement this, i know something needs parsing but i don't even know what this means let alone how to do it.

I have phpmyadmin installed by my webhost and have ran simple queries but anything else is basically beyond my knowledge.

Any help or personally, or links to places where i can get some further information would be very most appreciated, its become a pain to try and check over 2000 products manually, to say the least.

Thanks in advance.

Donna :)