xml sql2000 and updategrams HELP!? Please...


New Member
Dear Guru, Im using the above technique to create an order entry application.The problem is this... I retrieve the items from a table using a templateand xsl to create and html order form. when the user selects data then submitsthe data I want to be able to insert only the items that they request. Thatsthe problem! How do you create a template with 'after' but no 'before' whenyou dont know which items are going to be sent and you cant have asp in thetemplate dir. Ive played with submitting directly to the root but then you'releft with some root msg that the user nor my manager is really going to appreciate,but it works. The other alternative im thinking of is a com solution forthe inserts but I would have preferred to do the entire app with sql2000xml templates.Is it possible? Did I just not read the one missing article on this subject?Anyway thanks for any input,Ralph Carrasquillo