XML-serializing a nested class including a list


New Member
I have a weird problem with serializing a list of a nested class in C#. The class is defined as\[code\]public class Settings : XmlSerializable{ private string mPath = ""; public string Path { get { return mPath; } set { mPath = value; } } [XmlArrayItem("ChatEventsAndReactions")] public List<MessageEvent> Events;}public abstract class XmlSerializable{ public virtual void Save(string path) { StreamWriter w = new StreamWriter(path); XmlSerializer s = new XmlSerializer(this.GetType()); s.Serialize(w, this); w.Close(); } public virtual void Load(string path) { if (File.Exists(path)) { StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(path); XmlTextReader xr = new XmlTextReader(sr); XmlSerializer xs = new XmlSerializer(this.GetType()); object c; if (xs.CanDeserialize(xr)) { c = xs.Deserialize(xr); Type t = this.GetType(); PropertyInfo[] properties = t.GetProperties(); foreach (PropertyInfo p in properties) { p.SetValue(this, p.GetValue(c, null), null); } } xr.Close(); sr.Close(); } }}\[/code\]and the class \[code\]MessageEvent\[/code\] is defined as\[code\]public class MessageEvent{ public MessageData Message = new MessageData(); public MessageReaction Reaction = new MessageReaction(); public override string ToString() { string tmp = this.Message.ToString() + " " + this.Reaction.ToString(); return tmp; }}public class MessageReaction{ public string ReactionType; public string Parameter; public override string ToString() { string tmp = "Reaction: " + this.ReactionType + " " + "Parameter: " + this.Parameter; return tmp; }}public class MessageData{ public string ChannelName; public string ChannelID; public string SenderName; public string MessageID; public string Text; public MessageData() { } public MessageData(string content) { this.ConvertFromString(content); } public void Clear() { this.ChannelName = ""; this.ChannelID = ""; this.MessageID = ""; this.SenderName = ""; this.Text = ""; } public void ConvertFromString(string msg) { int HeaderEnd = msg.IndexOf("]") + 1; string Header = msg.Substring(0, HeaderEnd); string Text = msg.Substring(HeaderEnd); Header = Header.Replace("[", ""); Header = Header.Replace("]", ""); Header = Header.Replace("\",\"", "\""); Header = Header.Replace("\",", "\""); char[] Seperator = { '\"' }; string[] message = Header.Split(Seperator); this.ChannelName = message[2]; this.ChannelID = message[1]; this.MessageID = message[4]; this.SenderName = message[3]; this.Text = Text; } public void ConvertFromObject(object o) { MessageData tmp = (MessageData)o; this.ChannelName = tmp.ChannelName; this.ChannelID = tmp.ChannelID; this.SenderName = tmp.SenderName; this.MessageID = tmp.MessageID; this.Text = tmp.Text; } public override string ToString() { return "ChannelID: " + this.ChannelID + " " + "CannelName: " + this.ChannelName + " " + "SenderName: " + this.SenderName + " " + "MessageID : " + this.MessageID + " " + "Message: " + this.Text; }}\[/code\]The weird problem with that is that it works perfectly when saving the data (resulting in a clear XML with all the data) but when I read from the XML file, I get a list with the correct number of items, but they are all empty (\[code\]""\[/code\] in every string). Path works fineThanks for working through this wall of text ;o)