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I'm storing timestamps in my xml document, but when trying to use them as comparing to the current timestamp it is not working? I have also tried to get it to work with date() but it won't? What am I doing wrong?XML looks like this:\[code\]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?><data> <game id="83832"> <opponent>Danielle</opponent> <oppid>101</oppid> <lastdraw>1</lastdraw> <turn>1</turn> <image>101b.png</image> <nextdraw>1348156426</nextdraw> <infopop>0</infopop> <playertilesum>89</playertilesum> <oppnation>0</oppnation> </game> <game id="89939"> <opponent>Bigscreen</opponent> <oppid>107</oppid> <lastdraw>3</lastdraw> <turn>2</turn> <image>107a.png</image> <nextdraw>1347913606</nextdraw> <infopop>0</infopop> <playertilesum>101</playertilesum> <oppnation>0</oppnation> </game></data>\[/code\]And what I try to do is this:\[code\]$timestamp = $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'];$xml=simplexml_load_file('TEST.xml');foreach ($xml->game as $game) { if($game->nextdraw < $timestamp){ echo '['.$r.'] '.$game->nextdraw.'<br>'; }}\[/code\]I only want to show the games which is not older than the timestamp? Am I doing this all wrong?