XML saved timestamp not working with PHP date?


New Member
I'm storing timestamps in my xml document, but when trying to use them as comparing to the current timestamp it is not working? I have also tried to get it to work with date() but it won't? What am I doing wrong?XML looks like this:\[code\]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?><data> <game id="83832"> <opponent>Danielle</opponent> <oppid>101</oppid> <lastdraw>1</lastdraw> <turn>1</turn> <image>101b.png</image> <nextdraw>1348156426</nextdraw> <infopop>0</infopop> <playertilesum>89</playertilesum> <oppnation>0</oppnation> </game> <game id="89939"> <opponent>Bigscreen</opponent> <oppid>107</oppid> <lastdraw>3</lastdraw> <turn>2</turn> <image>107a.png</image> <nextdraw>1347913606</nextdraw> <infopop>0</infopop> <playertilesum>101</playertilesum> <oppnation>0</oppnation> </game></data>\[/code\]And what I try to do is this:\[code\]$timestamp = $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'];$xml=simplexml_load_file('TEST.xml');foreach ($xml->game as $game) { if($game->nextdraw < $timestamp){ echo '['.$r.'] '.$game->nextdraw.'<br>'; }}\[/code\]I only want to show the games which is not older than the timestamp? Am I doing this all wrong?