XML Request, Response, and Polling


Staff member
I am in need of some advice about my situation. I am not looking for someon e to write code for me, I would prefer to learn this myself.
I am pretty new to XML and how to send and receive data through it. I am a PHP developer and am working on using a CreditAPI that allows me to pull credit reports through XML Request / Response.

I really dont know where to start with this. I have tried some "AJAX" tutorials but am running into a problem where the JavaScript XMLHttpRequest object doesnt allow "cross-domain" communication. I dont even know if i am in the right direction on this or not.

The CreditAPI documentation is here: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://info.mortgagecreditlink.com/inetapi/xmlrequest.asp#samplecode">http://info.mortgagecreditlink.com/inet ... samplecode</a><!-- m -->

It basically wants a request in XML and it gives a NOTREADY response until the credit report is ready. So, i have to keep polling the API until i get a credit report.

I dont know if the best way is to use JavaScript or use a PHP XML class to do this, or something else.

If there is someone who is willing to interpret this for me and reccommend the best way program this i would GREATLY appreciate it.

Thank you,
