xml parsing: tags should be in numerical array?


New Member
\[code\]<?php/* Sample: $results = XMLParser::load('<xml ....'); $results = XMLParser::load(VSCHEMAS.'/Users.edit.xml');*/ /** * Abstract XMLParser class. A non-instantiable class that uses SimpleXML to parse XML, based on a path or body passed into the load method * * @abstract */ abstract class XMLParser { /** * convert function. Converts a SimpleXMLElement object to an associative array, usable for iteration * * @see http://www.if-not-true-then-false.com/2009/12/php-tip-convert-stdclass-object-to-multidimensional-array-and-convert-multidimensional-array-to-stdclass-object/ * @access private * @static * @param mixed $node node to convert to a non-object based value * @return array associative array of the passed in node/object, ultimately representing the initially passed in object as an associative array */ private static function convert($node) { if(is_object($node)) $node = get_object_vars($node); if(is_array($node)) return array_map(array('self', 'convert'), $node); return $node; } /** * load function. Loads a source (either a local path or source body) document, and returns as associative array of it's results * * @access public * @static * @param string $source xml body, or path to local xml file * @return array SimpleXML results, parsed as an associative array */ public static function load($source) { $path = false; if(preg_match('/^\//', $source) > 0) $path = true; $simpleXMLElement = new SimpleXMLElement($source, LIBXML_NOENT, $path); return self::convert($simpleXMLElement); } }?>\[/code\]I'm using the above code to parse xml files and convert them to a more traversable array. I'm running into an issue though. When I have some sample xml like:\[code\]<fields> <rule whatever="lolcats" /></fields>\[/code\]vs.\[code\]<fields> <rule whatever="lolcats" /> <rule whatever="lolcats" /></fields>\[/code\]the resulting array isn't consistent. Namely, in the first case, it's of the format:\[code\]Array( [field] => Array ( [@attributes]...\[/code\]Whereas in the latter, it's of the format:\[code\]Array( [field] => Array ( [0]...\[/code\]What I'm saying here, is that it's indexing the sub-xml elements numerically, which is what I want, but only when there is more than 1. Any thoughts on what to change to always have them indexed numerically, rather than a direct reference to the one-and-only element's @attributes array?Any help would be much appreciated :D