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I am having an xml file which is like:\[code\]<FarmGates> <FarmGate id="1"> <name>hello</name> <address>abcd</address> <region>Huon Valley</region> <fruits> <fruit>Cherries</fruit> <fruit>Apple</fruit> </fruits> <services> <service>NA</service> </services> <latitude>-43.04964</latitude> <longitude>147.03903</longitude> <description>abc</description> <open>Open daily except Christmas and Boxing Day.</open> <contact>Contact 03 6264 1474</contact> <images> <image>a1.jpg</image> <image>b1.jpg</image> <image>c1.jpg</image> </images> </FarmGate>\[/code\]and many such tags in between... I want to get the data from this file by parsing. Methods which I am using are as follows:\[code\]- (void)parser: (NSXMLParser *)parser didStartElementNSString *)elementName namespaceURINSString *)namespaceURI qualifiedNameNSString *)qName attributesNSDictionary *)attributeDict{ if(![elementName compare"FarmGate"]) { currentAttribute = [NSMutableString string]; currentAttribute = [attributeDict valueForKey"id"]; }}- (void)parserNSXMLParser *)parser didEndElementNSString *)elementName namespaceURINSString *)namespaceURI qualifiedNameNSString *)qName{ if(![elementName compare"FarmGate"]) { NSLog(@"my title is %@", currentAttribute); }}\[/code\]I am only getting value of id in dictionary if I am writing any other key say name, I am getting null value. Can any one please suggest were I am lacking behind...