xml parsing in objective c accessing attributes


New Member
I am trying to parse a xml file but I couldn't be able to retrive all objects in it. My xml is \[code\]<exam><question s="1" a="2" m="1" x="1"> <q>question</q> <o p="">question</o> <o p="">question</o> <o p="">question</o> <o p="">question</o></question><question s="2" a="1,3,5" m="3" p="1.2.jpg" x="1"> <q>question</q> <o p="">question</o> <o p="">question</o> <o p="">question</o> <o p="">question</o> <o p="">question</o> <o p="">question</o></question></exam>\[/code\]How can I retrieve all data such as " s="2" " and "<.o p=>question<./o>"