We have an xml in the below format . \[code\] <com.mycompany.msgprocessor.client.dto.ResponseDTO> <serviceName>Sevice_findDetails</serviceName> <names> <string>Id</string> <string>CompnyName</string> <string>FirstNam</string> <string>LastNam</string> </names> <values> <string>1</string> <string>Google</string> <string>Larry</string> <string>Page</string> </values> </com.mycompany.msgprocessor.client.dto.ResponseDTO>\[/code\]The format of the XML will always remain the same. What will the quickest way to transform this xml into a Mapfor instance, the above example should be transformed into a HashMap\[quote\] {id -> (null) , CompnyName -> Google , FirstNam -> Bill , LastNam -> Page }\[/quote\]Are there any utilities available to do the same ? What parsing library do you recommend ?thanks in advance.