XML Parsing in Cobol


New Member
We are currently populating our web pages with legacy system data. To dothis we are formatting an XML document on the legacy system and passing itto a JAVA servlet, which merges the XML and XSL files, to create the HTMLthat is sent back to the client. This works great, but here's my issue:I'd like to also send the queries from the web page (via a Java servlet)to our legacy system in XML format, instead of using comma-delimited or fixedformat data structures. I will then parse the XML on the legacy system usinga COBOL-like 4GL language (NATURAL by SoftwareAG). I'm having trouble comingup with a good algorithm to do this and was wondering if anyone has any suggestions.It is important that I abide by XML protocol, as if we are successful, wewill make XML the standard format for all portals into our system.Any input would be appreciated.Todd.